After being in the business for many years, We have noticed a few things you should avoid doing.



Where ever and whenever possible try to make a standard for your machines. If your machines require advanced electronics try to use the same products to make it easier for maintenance. Also purchasing conveyors from the same company will make it easier to store and purchase replacement parts. If you are unfamiliar with packaging machinery, speaking with a line integrator might be the your best option.

Buy Local

If you have the option to buy equipment from a local company I would recommend it. When buying local you save costs in travel expenses for service done on the machine. You also can have parts replaced the same day which lowers packaging downtime. If your company has good mechanics then buying local might not might a difference.

Aesthetics vs. Functionality

The decision that is made on which bottle and cap to use for your product is very important. We have dealt with many companies who have beautiful looking caps and bottles but have trouble packaging their product. Consult with your capping company before making the final decision on which cap and bottle you are going to use. This can be the difference between thousands of dollars when purchasing equipment and how many operators are needed.

Quick Knowledge

  • Square/Rectangular Bottles are easier to grip on Inline and Chuck Cappers.
  • Tapered Bottles might require special gripping.
  • Different materials for the cap and bottle tend to work better.
  • Two threaded bottles have a higher chance of caps being applied skewed or cocked.
  • "F Shaped" or bottles with handles require a special mechanism for inline capping machines.
  • The type of cap you choose decides the speed of your line. Cap sorting on a difficult cap might result in a cap being sorted at a rate of 30 caps per minute.

Quality vs. Price

People who buy equipment based on price usually end up spending more money then people who buy based on quality. When you buy a good quality machine, you avoid having to spend extra money to make that machine work.

Below is an example that we have seen several times when visiting packaging plants.

Good Quality Machine

Initial Cost: $100,000

You spent $40,000 more on this machine and after 1 year you had no problems. Changing the machine from one product to another is quick and easy and you do not need anyone to monitor this machine while it is running.

1 Year Cost: $100,000

2 Year Cost: $100,000

3 Year Cost: $100,000

A good quality machine will last 10 years without a problem. So the question is what are you really saving?

Good Priced Machine

Initial Cost: $60,000

You saved $40,000 by buying this machine and your boss is pleased. Changing from one product to another might take a little bit longer and only some of your employees know how to do it. After 6 months something goes wrong on the machine but you were able to rig something to fix it. Now you require an employee to monitor this machine at all times while it is running.

Employee to Monitor Machine:
$7.15 per hour x
12 hours a day x
5 days a week x
26 weeks (6 months)

1 Year Cost: $71,154

2 Year Cost: $93,462

3 Year Cost: $115,770

After only 3 years your machine cost more and will continue to cost more money. Also know that we are only suggesting that you are running you line 60 hours a week and only paying $7.15 per hour.